Norrie GM1CNH provided these photos of the first VHF NFD to be operated by the GM3HAM/P group from the site in the hills behind Gatehouse of Fleet which we have been using ever since at locator IO74wv. Formerly it had been used for many years by the well-known VHF'er Tom Douglas G(M)3BA, originally from Edinburgh, who became Engineer-in-Charge at the BBC TV transmitter at Sutton Coldfield. Tom was the RSGB VHF Manager and RadCom VHF Editor for a number of years. The site provides an outstanding take-off to the south into the Irish Sea with the Isle of Man visible in good weather. But to the north there is a ridge about 500ft higher than the site! Over subsequent years it has proved to be an excellent site, allowing GM3HAM/P to win many contests. 


 Camping tents erected on arrival on the Friday afternoon . 

 Apparently the tradition of dinner in the Masonic Arms in Gatehouse on the Friday evening started immediately!   L-R: Brian GM4DIJ, Norrie GM1CNH, Brian GM8BJF; front: Pete GM4BYF, Peter GM4DTH, Colin GM4HWO.


Chief cook Colin GM4HWO working on the bacon rolls for breakfast on the Saturday morning

- now another tradition. 


 Getting ready to erect the antennas - looks like good-quality coax! 


Working on the antennas.


Sandy McTaggart MM0CJT


 Impressive beam!


 This may be the same one.


No messing about with light-weight gear in those days! 


Pete GM4BYF operating from inside GM8KCS Mike's Renault minibus - what luxury!


 Brian GM8BJF operating in similar luxury from GM6CMQ Dan's Ford van from work.

