Hits: 820

Pete GM4BYF was Net 27 controller on 7th October with 9 participants: Mike GM8KCS, Norrie GM1CNH, Bill GM8SQM, Brian GM8BJF (weak signal), Stewart GM4ZOA, Briain GM8PKL, Peter GM4DTH and Alan GM3PSP (after fish-man called). Peter reported working 40 stations in the 2m contest the previous evening including several by aircraft-scatter. Norrie reminded people of the RSGB Conference online this weekend. Bill had just returned from Norfolk and en-route  had contacted Nick G4KUX (LRS speaker last October). Stewart called in briefly to say hello. Briain reported good progress in the installation of his new 8-element 2m yagi - see photo below. Alan (with his haddock safely in the fridge) reported on recent additions to the website including the reception of the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter on 3cm by VE7TIL (below) and Norrie's Antenna Bag article in RadCom. 

Regret no audio recording of Net 27.


Antenna installation - photo by Briain GM8PKL
