1951-52 LRS Summary

COMMITTEE 1951-52:


Treasurer & Secretary          Ian Mackenzie, GM3FGJ




RSGB District Rep.             

RSGB Town Rep.                

MEMBERSHIP – not known; £18.15.0 subs recorded.

Assuming sub still 10/-, about 36 senior and 3 junior members

MEETINGS (at Chamber of Commerce, 25 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh)     

(Dates and topics of earlier meetings not known).

3 July 1952    AGM.

Adoption of financial report moved by Gilbert Burton & Bill Sutherland

Meeting topics included receiver exhibition, constructional competition, raffles.

ACTIVITIES – included social, bus drive, and N.F.D.

PUBLICATIONS – not known


Summary 1951-52, Ver.1, by Alan J. Masson GM3PSP, 25 Nov 2009

Source: LRS AGM 3-7-1952 meeting notice.

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