President Alfred M. Coutts GM3KPD
Hon. Sec / Treas Dick Richardson GM3AKM
Committee James S. Nicholson GM3FJP
Owen McCusker GM2CFU
John A.R. Hughes GM3LCP
Junior Member, Coopted Jim Watt GM3PFY
LRA Newsletter Editor John A.R. Hughes GM3LCP
Press Secretary John A.R. Hughes GM3LCP
Hon. Auditor George P. Millar, GM3UM
Hon. Librarian Vic. W. Stewart, GM3OWU
RSGB Town Rep. Bill Eaton GM3KIG
NFD Equipment Custodian Bill Eaton GM3KIG
Annual Subscription: Senior: 15/- Junior: 7/6
No data on numbers or names / callsigns.
MEETINGS (Held at 7:30 pm at YMCA, 14 South St. Andrew Street, Edinburgh)
Sep 12 1963 Opening Meeting; President’s (recorded) address
Sep 26 1963 Transistors, incl. 2m portable VHF Rx, by Ed. Murphy GM3SBC
Oct 10 1963 Early Experiences on V.H.F, by Lawrence Benzies GM3DDE & W. Clark Bradford GM3DIQ
Oct 24 1963 Surplus Sale; auctioneer Arthur Grainger GM3BQO
Nov 14 1963 Monkey Glands for the HRO, by Sandy Laurie GM3PQU
Nov 28 V 1963 (75) Visitors’ Night, incl. Glasgow, Mid-Lanark, Dunfermline.
Dec 12 1963 “Any Questions?” – panel.
Dec 26 1963 Xmas Ragchew
Jan 16 1964 DX from 2 Continents, by Jim S. Nicholson GM3FJP (ex VU2JP / VU7JP)
Jan 30 1964 RSGB tape: “T.V.I. – Proofing”
Feb 13 1964 Application of Silicon Planar Transistors, by Hughes-International
Feb 27 1964 S.S.B., by Bill H.F. Lamb GM3EDL
Feb 28 1964 (8) Visit to Falkirk Club
Mar 12 1964 Film Night: “Mirror in the Sky”.
Mar 15 1964 Visit to Dunfermline Radio Club.
Mar 26 1964 TVI-Proofing, by Sandy Laurie GM3PQU
Apr 9 1964 Going Mobile?, by Jimmy E. Priddy GM3CIG
Apr 23 1964 Junk Sale; auctioneer Arthur Grainger GM3BQO
May 14 1964 Small Vessels Communications, by W.R. Cook, (Coastal Radio)
May 28 1964 N.F.D. Briefing
Jun 6-7 1964 National Field Day at Daniel Stewart’s College, Inverleith.
Jun 11 1964 Constructional Competition – won by David Guest, GM3TFY
Jun 25 1964 A.G.M. – new Constitution & Rules approved.
June 6-7 1964 National Field Day at Daniel Stewart’s College, Inverleith. Report by Owen McCusker GM2CFU in LRA 3.7, June 1964. Lowest score for years!
Proposed station at Edinburgh International Festival (Jack Wilson GM6XI, Owen McCusker GM2CFU, Bill Sutherland GM3JWS, Sandy Laurie GM3PQU). The EIF could not provide accommodation, so postponed to next year.
Proposed station at Rotary Club Hobbies Exhibition in Waverley Market in November 1964 (Ian Pryde GM3LGU, John Bain GM3KAI, & John Hughes GM3LCP)
Summary 1963-64 Ver. 5 by Alan J. Masson, GM3PSP, 3/12/2009
Sources: 1963-64 members card (GM3AKM), LRAs, LRS Minute Book 1962-85.