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Here are photos taken at the Summer Pub Nights at "Wee Bennets Bar" at Morningside which were held on the normal club meeting dates of 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of July and August 2015. 


PUB NIGHT 1: 8th July 2015:

PN1.1:  Vic JA5VQ / MM0JVQ - welcome back to Edinburgh for the summer!

Vic GM3OWU, Mike GM8KCS. 


 PN1.2:  Alan GM3PSP, Vic GM3OWU, Peter GM4DTH.


Pub Night 2: 22 July 2015

PN2.1: Peter GM4DTH, Mike GM8KCS, Alex (a Bennet's regular!), Alan GM3PSP, Pete GM4BYF.

Pete and his XYL Kay GM6KAY had just returned from a holiday in Cuba.


 PN2.2: Mike GM8KCS, Alex, Alan GM3PSP, Briain GM8PKL.


Pub Night 3: 12th August 2015

 PN3: Peter GM4DTH, Vic GM3OWU, Pete GM4BYF, Briain GM8PKL, Brian GM8BJF, Mike MM0MLB, John GM8OTI. Camera: Alan GM3PSP


Pub Night 4: 26th August 2015


PN4: Alan GM3PSP, Pete GM4BYF, Peter GM4DTH, Tommy GM4DCL, Briain GM8PKL, Vic JA5VQ/MM0JVQ
