Welcome to the Lothians Radio Society

Scottish Charity number SC045038

  • LRS MEETINGS 2023-2024

    LRS meetings are normally held on the 2nd & 4th Wednesdays of each month (except July & August) at 8:00pm at Braid Hills Hotel, 134 Braid Rd.

    In July & August Pub Nights are held on those dates at 7:30pm at Wee Bennet’s Bar at Morningside Station.

    Most items are archived in Meeting Reports or Society Activities.

    LRS PROGRAMME for 2023-24 – Click

    Wed 31 July 2024 – 20:00h – LRS Net 158

    144.350MHz SSB – All welcome

    Wed 7 Aug 2024 – 20:00h – LRS Net 159

    144.350MHz SSB – All welcome

     Wed 14 Aug 2024 – 19:30h – Pub Night 3

    Wee Bennet’s Bar – All welcome

    Wed 21 Aug 2024 – LRS Net 160

    144.350MHz SSB – All welcome

    Wed  28 Aug 2024 – 19:30h – Pub Night 4

    Wee Bennet’s Bar – All welcome 

    Wed 24 July 2024 – Summer Pub Night 2 

    10 July 2024 – LRS Summer Pub Night 1

    Very good turnout of 11 at Wee Bennet’s.

    Click for more photos.

    5-7 July 2024 – RSGB VHF-UHF NFD

    GM3HAM/P – Gatehouse of Fleet

    Team dinner at the Masonic Arms

    Group at end of VHF NFD

    Click for full report & lots of photos.


    Fri 9 Aug – Cockenzie & Port Seton Mini-Rally – 18:00-21:00

    C&PS Community Centre, South Seton Park.

    Entry £2 all persons.

    Tables: first-come-first-served

    Traders: Alan Clegg; Canny Components; RSGB Book Stand

    Food & drink available

    Raffle at 20:30.

    Sat 9 Nov 2024 – GMRT 2024

    Scottish Microwave Round Table and Dinner at MOC Burntisland. Click


    7-8 Sep > 144MHz Trophy Contest

    5-6 Oct > Oct 432MHz to 245GHz Contest


    Every Sunday morning in the Edinburgh area at 09:30h from LRS member Peter Dick GM4DTH. 70.425MHz FM, 145.525MHz FM & 433.525MHz FM. Then call-in to Peter at 10:00h on 144.575MHz for local net. Several LRS members often there.

  • Website getting there!

    The webmaster has started to make updates to the site in its new format, and we’ll gradually complete the changes. […]

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  • Website migration

    The Lothians Radio Society website is currently not being updated, because we are moving to a new system. Please be […]

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  • 26 June 2024 – LRS Summer Barbecue 2024

      24 members & family enjoyed a great BBQ with Pete & Kay Bates on a sunny evening. We also […]

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  • 12 June 2024 – LRS AGM

    12 June 2024 – LRS AGM 2024 There was a good turn-out (17) for the AGM. It had been a […]

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  • 5 June 2024 LRS D/F Hunt 2024 – GM3HAM/P

      The Fox station GM3HAM/P, operated by Peter Dick GM4DTH was located on  Corstorphine Hill. It was found first by […]

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  • 29 May 2024 – LRS Pub Night – Wee Bennets Bar

      John GM4JRT, Peter GM4DTH, Mike GM8KCS, Melvyn GM4HYR, Colin GM4HWO ======================================

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  • 17-19 May 2024 – RSGB May 144MHz Contest

    The brave band of LRS contesters had a very good contest near Gatehouse of Fleet. Colin GM4HWO has sent back […]

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  • 8 May 2024 – “RAYNET – Recent Events & Technology Deployment” – Charlie Duncan GM6MUZ

    “RAYNET Recent Events and Technology Deployment”   by Charlie Duncan GM6MUZ. This talk was an update on technology implementations and […]

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  • 24 Apr 2024 – “Contest Coaching” by Pete Bates GM4BYF

      “Contest coaching – Tips & Tricks for Contest Operation” by Pete Bates GM4BYF   Long-time contester Pete Bates GM4BYF […]

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  • 20-21 Apr 2024 – LRS at Norbreck Rally, Blackpool

    The merry LRS group at the Sunam Indian Restaurant. Pete GM4BYF & XYL Kay GM6KAY at their table. Tnx Colin […]

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  • 10 Apr 2024 – LRS Spring Surplus Equipment Sale

    There was an excellent turnout of 30 including many visitors, for the spring surplus equipment sale. Many interesting items, including […]

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  • 3 Apr 2024 – Wee Bennets Spring Pub Night


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  • 27 March 2024 – “GB3EDN 1296MHz Beacon – History & Current Developments” by Brian Flynn GM8BJF

    Dr Brian Flynn GM8BJF described the long history of the 1296MHz (23cm) beacon GB3EDN in Edinburgh and its various upgrades […]

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  • 13 Mar 2024 – Running HF Stns Off-Grid – Malcolm Hamilton GM3TAL

      Malcolm GM3TAL talked about running HF stations when grid / mains electricity is not available. He has been taking part in […]

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  • 4 March 2024 – LRS in RSGB Tonight@8

    VHF NFD Challenges & Fun Seen Through the Eyes of the Lothians Radio Society https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLKVGWU3-r4 Andy Sinclair MM0FMF (LRS host) […]

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  • 28 Feb 2024 – “47 Years and Counting – Story of Voyagers 1 & 2” – John Cooke GM8OTI & James Gentles GM4WZP

    John Cooke GM8OTI & James Gentles GM4WZP talked about the two NASA deep space probes, Voyagers 1 & 2, which are still […]

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