The Galashiels & District Amateur Radio Society held their annual Radio & Computer Rally on Sunday 23rd October 2011 at The Volunteer Hall, Galashiels. This was well-attended by members of clubs from a wide area of Scotland and Northern England.

The Lothians Radio Society had an information table at the rally, staffed by LRS committee & members, with the latest LRS Powerpoint promo show running. LRS leaflets, LRS meetings calendars and LRS business cards were distributed. At least 12 LRS members attended this show: GM1CQC, GM3PSP, GM4BYF, GM4DTH, GM4HWO, GM4HYR, GM4UPN, GM4YLN, GM4ZOA, GM6KAY, MM0FMF, & GM8SQM.


Photos by Peter GM4DTH and Alan GM3PSP:


Jack GM1CQC & Alan GM3PSP  (Photo by Peter GM4DTH)



General view of the rally floor in the Volunteer Hall, Galashiels


L-R: Bill GM8SQM, Andy MM0FMF (standing), Alan GM3PSP & Jack GM1CQC.

(Photo by Peter GM4DTH)


Pete GM4BYF did double-duty on the LRS table as well as on his own adjacent table.

He later reported that there was almost room to move in his garage now!




A visitor is mesmerised by the LRS Powerpoint promo show.


Jack GM1CQC.