Colin GM4HWO was back in control for the 18th LRS Viral Net on 5th August, with 9 participants: Peter GM4DTH, Alan GM3PSP, Pete GM4BYF, Brian GM8BJF (Peebles), Mike GM8KCS, Briain GM8PKL, Robin GM4YPL (LInlithgow) and Brian GM4DIJ (back from a month in his caravan near Stranraer, well equipped for a number of radio events). It is still hoped to participate in the RSGB 2m Trophy in September from Gatehouse but with the risk of limitation to a single operator, plus otherwise social activities! Pete GM4BYF reported that he and XYL Kay GM6KAY had just celebrated their 50th anniversary including climbing a number of Munroes – congrats from all. Both Pete and Brian are making improvements to their 122GHz stations, but have not yet worked W! Colin confirmed that after discussion with MoC, the GMRT Scottish Microwave Round Table had been cancelled. Alan again appealed for photos of operators, shacks etc.
The following is the direct link to the first recording of an LRS Viral Net with tnx to Peter GM4DTH for the recording and to John GM8OTI for installing the audio app on the website. This will be done for all future nets.