Radio Websites and Videos (YouTube & Vimeo)

The Videos section of the website was suggested by Stewart GM4ZOA and the Websites Section was added later by Alan GM3PSP.

The Webmaster Alan GM3PSP would be glad to receive additional items to post here. Videos should be of specific interest to LRS members or of educational / entertainment value. You will see many other items to chose from, listed on the RHS of the screen when you open a video.

Recently-added items are highlighted in purple.

New:  View 3 LRS VHF NFD Films:


1. WEBSITES – of interest to LRS Members – Radio Museums etc.

Antique Wireless Association Museum, Bloomfield NY, USA 

Hammond Museum of Radio, Guelph, ONT, Canada.

History of Car Radios (tnx Nicole Stevens, NH, USA)

Museum of Communication, Burntisland, Fife. 

Orkney Wireless Museum, Kirkwall

Pavek Museum of Broadcasting, St. Paul, MN, USA 

Radio Historian (Early USA Broadcasting)

Science Museum, London

Scotland’s Secret Bunker, near Crail, Fife

S.O.E. – Special Operations Executive

Umac 606 Phantasatron Valve funny

UK Callsign Prefixes List

Western Historic Radio Museum – Radio Boulevard (USA)

Wireless Set No.19 Group, Royal Signals

Y-Service 1939-1945



We hope to add many more videos to this section, especially of past GM3HAM/P portable contest operations.

2014-12-20 GM3WOJ/B beacon live streaming at GM8BJF (Click through options to reach).

2013-05-04 – GM3HAM/P on 70cm Talkback for 3cm with G0BWC/P.

2006 – GM3HAM/P in 4m Trophy from the Mull of Galloway – 3rd Place (Ray James GM4CXM). 

2005 – GM3HAM/P in 4m Trophy from Gatehouse of Fleet – 3rd Place (Ray James GM4CXM)

3. VIDEOS – RSGB  – click for New RSGB Videos Page, Feb 2017

2016-07-20  GB1SS – Schools Speaking to Tim Peake

2016-04-15 – RSGB ARDF video

2016-02-17 – RSGB Volunteering video

2015-Convention – Meteor Scatter – What makes the Pings Go Ping? (G4BAO).

2015-10-16 – Amateur Radio – a Hobby for the 21st Century

2012-04-11 – RSGB – What is Amateur Radio?

2011-11-16 – RSGB Move to Berlin

1992 – RSGB – How to become a Radio Amateur


2023-07 John Logie Baird, the Man who saw the future.

2023-07 History of Telegraphy.

2015-11-19 – Improving your CW speed with Morse Runner (W/links to other CW videos). 

2015-10-08 – Bletchley Park – Code-Breakings Forgotten Genius – Gordon Welchman 

2015-02-16 – National Geographic Code Breakers

2015-01-23 – 5-Year-Old Passes (US) Ham Radio Exam

2014-10-10 – Behind the scenes at 2SZ, Mill Hill, commemorating 1st G – ZL QSO in 1924 

2013-11-25 – Introduction to Amateur Radio 

2013-11-03 – PSK31 Digital Amateur Radio Mode – Introduction (W/links to other digimode videos)

2013-05-20 – EME SSB QSO on 23cm with OZ4MM

2013-05-14 – The Enigma Machine Explained

2013-04-13 – JT65 Digital Amateur Radio Mode – Introduction

2012-12-23 – RAYNET – the Beginning

2011-07-15 – The Men Who Cracked Enigma

2010-01-01 – N0OY Pete’s Moonbounce Station in Central Kansas (w/links to other EME videos)

1965 – First Scottish 432 MHz Moonbounce by Harry Mackie GM3FYB (Dunfermline)

1965 – Field Day – Dunfermline Amateur Radio Society by GM3CIG 

1961 – Tony Hancock – the Radio Ham

1960s – Radio Teletype in Operation – Ken Street GM3ENJ (Dunfermline)

1940 – How the Teleprinter Works (BT)

1939 – Radio Hams / More than a Hobby (MGM)

Amateur Radio Videos on Vimeo (you may need to log-in).

GE – General Electric historical films (digitized by Schenectady Museum)

Guglielmo Marconi demonstrates Radio Tx / Rx (W/links to other radio history videos)

How to read Morse Code – 12 wpm   (W/links to other Morse videos)

How the Teleprinter works (1940; GPO)

Old Radio Amateur Films (Many)

Repair & Restoration of old Amateur Radio Rigs (many)

Secret Life of the Radio, Part 1

Secret Life of the Radio, Part 2

Secret Life of the Radio, Part 3

1944 – Short Wave Radio in WWII – Voice of Victory

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