Dr Roger Hill.

Plasmas - their generation & application - Mercury arc, Neon lamp, Radio wave propagation, Laser design and manufacture.


 There was an excellent attendance of 18 for this very interesting talk. Click for report..

25 Jan - Pre-War TV - Peter Scott

Peter gave a most interesting talk about the pre-war days of television in the UK and Germany with many photographs of early TV cameras & receivers. Great turnout of 22.

Peter's comprehensive slide-show is available on this website - click.


"Wee" Bennets Bar, Maxwell St, Morningside

 Tues 3 Jan 2023 - LRS New Year Pub Night

Colin GM4HWO, Colin GM4EAU, Peter GM4DTH, Mike GM8KCS. Photo tnx HWO.



Peter Dick GM4DTH 

The theme was the Cold War, including early space-based communications:

01 - Communism 10:41
02 - The Big Bounce 15:23
03 - Atlas in Orbit 5:37
04 - Kennedy on Telstar 1:19
05 - A Day in History - Telstar. 3.18
06 - On Guard! - SAGE 12:14
07 - Plane Talk 21:30
08 - UK Public Information Film 1948
09 - WW1 Sopwith Strutter reconstruction.

14 Dec 2022 - LRS Christmas Curry

Peter, Colin, Alan & Colin at the Gurkha

There was a small (but distinguished) group of 8 who defied the arctic wx to come to the  Booking Office for pre-drinks and the Gurkha Cafe for the LRS Christmas Curry on 14th December. "A merry time was had by all". 

Click for more photos.
