Colin GM4HWO, Andy MM0FMF, Colin GM4EAU, Pete GM4BYF, James GM4WZP, Peter GM4DTH, Alan GM3PSP.

The meeting was held at Colin's QTH. After 2 hours of hard work we were rewarded with a very nice pizza supper - tnx Colin!



Artificial intelligence has been around for over 60 years.  In reality it covers various techniques.  One of them, Expert Systems (or Knowledge-based Systems) was introduced in the 1980s, and by the start of the next decade was in significant use in many domains.  We look at some practical engineering applications, mainly in diagnosing faults. Click for Report.


Mike MM0MLB, Brian GM4DIJ, Colin GM4HWO / Brian GM8BJF, Norrie GM1CNH.

The Canny Man. (Gateshead).

Click for more photos taken by Colin GM4HWO


David writes: It’s quite simple if unusual. All the marketing departments of all the component, system etc manufacturers trumpet what their products CAN do. So let’s turn that on its head and talk about what things CANNOT do. The limitations of available technologies and parts act to steer progress in ways that can make clearer than the capabilities. It’s a sort of DeMorgan’s theorem shifted outside the world of Boolean variables. But it’s a good mental trick to make complicated-looking things look more obvious, or look worse. It’s worth trying just for those cases where it pays off. 

(No report available).


GMRT-2022 was held on 22nd October at the Museum of Communication in Burntisland.

A preliminary report with photos by John GM8OTI, is now up on the LRS site (click).

Also click for GMRT website official report.

Mark GM4ISM won the Constructors Trophy.
