11 April 2010 – Norbreck Rally, Blackpool

A number of Lothians members made the traditional annual pilgrimage to the Norbreck Castle Hotel in Blackpool for the Northern Amateur Radio Societies Association rally, and returned with items to grace their shacks / roofs or to be added to the next Lothians junk sale.

Beautiful downtown Blackpool



The Norbreck Castle Hotel, location for the rally


L-R: Colin GM4HWO, Brian GM8BJF, Alan GM3PSP, Pete GM4BYF, Andre GM3VLB


Part of the Rally floor


L-R: Pete GM4BYF, Brian GM8BJF, Norrie GM1CNH, Mike GM4IGS,

Willy GM4CII, Peter GM4DTH, Colin GM4HWO; and Alan GM3PSP

(photographer, not in photo), enjoyed dinner at the Curry Queen Restaurant. 



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