GM4BYF & GM6KAY – Pete & Kay Bates


Pete Bates GM4BYF operates from this tidy shack at Fairmilehead.


Pete GM4BYF and XYL Kay GM6KAY, host the annual LRS Summer Barbecue at their QTH.


Archival photo (from Ham Radio Today, June 1988) of Kay GM6KAY (R) and Mary G6BID running the BYLARA (British Young Ladies Amateur Radio Association) stand at the RSGB Exhibition at Birmingham NEC in 1987.


LHS: Pete’s interests are especially VHF – UHF – Microwaves where he is active in RSGB activity periods and in contests with the LRS at our portable site at Gatehouse of Fleet.

RHS: Pete established the world’s first G-GM QSO on 122GHz (2.5mm) with Brian Flynn GM8BJF in July 2021.

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