9 March 2016 – A Programmable Sequencer / Control Unit for a QRO (150W) 23cm Station for £20 – Pete Bates GM4BYF

At very short notice, Pete Bates GM4BYF jumped in  on Wednesday 9th March to replace the scheduled talk by Andy Sinclair MM0FMF who had to cancel for family reasons. Pete presented his talk “A Programmable Sequencer / Control Unit for £20”, originally scheduled for the next meeting on 23rd March. Synopsis:

–  Design specification for a QRO 23cm setup.

– The program.

– Demonstration



Pete led the audience through the requirements for a sequencer and magically ended up with this table indicating quite a complex requirement just to switch the station safely (for the equipment)  between receive and transmit! 





 Pete demonstrated the complete QRO 23cm station incorporating the sequencer / controller. 



 Malcolm GM3TAL inspected it carefully …


 … before giving a vote of thanks to Pete on behalf of the LRS members present.





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