2016-12-24 SAQ Grimeton on 17.2kHz on 24th December Soundcard SDR download
2016-12-11 RSGB Recreates 1st Transatlantic Radio Transmission – see article this page
2016-12-07 Keep 7.110MHz clear for Indonesia Earthquake Emergency Traffic (no link)
2016-12-02 Keep 7.070MHz clear for India Tropical Cyclone NADA Emergency Traffic (no link)
2016-10-31 NASA plans LASER communications from Mars
2016-10-27 Tim Peake ISS Presentation at Usher Hall
2016-10-06 Teen sentenced for interference to Edinburgh Air Traffic Control
2016-10-03 Keep frequencies free for Hurricane Matthew emergency traffic
2016-09-03 NASA Records Jupiter Aurora Signals
2016-08-25 Please keep 7060kHz clear for Italian earthquake emergency traffic.
2016-08-20 Silent Key – Lord Brian Rix G2DQU
2016-07-23 New OFCOM Website Portal
2016-05-29 ‘Hitler’s Code Machine’ snapped up off eBay for £9.50 after discovery in Essex shed.
2016-05-21 Secret WWII Wireless Station given Heritage Protection
2016-04-18 Keep 7060kHz clear for Ecuador Earthquake Traffic. (no link)
2016-02-28 Tim Peake’s stunning image of Scotland from the ISS
2016-02-28 Next ISS School Contact on Sat 5 March 10:55z 145.800 FM – audible in GM.
2016-02-16 ‘Polish Codebreakers Cracked Enigma Before Alan Turing’