In prep.

Founded in about 1991 by Chris X and Alastair Y of Electrical Engineering, with treasurer Joan Senior GM3AEI / daughter of Mike Senior GM3PAK and grand-daughter of Ken Senior GM3AEI-SK, this club met weekly in a room in the Pleasance. Activities included a Fox Hunt on Blackford Hill beside the Observatory, experiments with slow-scan TV and TCPIP and converting old equipment for amateur use. Joan remembers everyone being equipped with a Slim Jim antenna made from ribbon cable which could be hung up in a window. Morse code was taught, enabling Joan to pass her test and get her ‘A’ licence. It is not known how long the club continued after Joan graduated in 1994. Can anyone help? 

21 Mar 2022 – University of Edinburgh Electronics & Computer Science student, Jiaxun Yang GM3HSO / BH5HSO is trying to form an informal radio club. (RadCom 2022/4, p.13).

Jiaxun is also a member of the joint Edinburgh University / Edinburgh Napier University Asteria student satellite development group which is planning to build an amateur radio satellite, Oracle-1, and have it launched by December 2023.. (Click). 


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