27 Mar 2019 – Silent Key – Glen Campbell GM3HNE

Glenroy (Glen) Campbell GM3HNE died on 27th March 2019 aged 87 in a care home in West Lothian where he had lived for several years. Photo above and QSL card courtesy of his family. Other photos by Alan GM3PSP.

Born in November 1931 and originally licensed as G3HNE in Bradford, Yorkshire in 1951 Glen joined the RAF in the 1950s as an electrical engineer with outside interests in radio and television. He moved to Paisley in 1953 becoming GM3HNE and attended the Glasgow University Radio Club and later the West of Scotland Amateur Radio Society. After moving to Edinburgh in the 1970s he lived in Corstorphine and later at Roseburn and joined the Lothians Radio Society.

He was a keen contestant in LRS 160m Direction Finding Competitions in their early years, but his other radio activities are not known at this time, apart from attending LRS Junk Sales (now “Surplus Equipment Sales”).

QSL card from Glen’s earlier QTH in Paisley.





Glen’s funeral was held at the West Lothian Crematorium in Livingston on 3rd April 2019.

He is survived by four sons and one daughter. 


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