13th Nov 2019 – SOTA & 13cm Escapades, Jack Hood GM4COX

 Jack Hood GM4COX. Photo courtesy QRZ.com  

At the meeting of the LRS on 13 Nov 2019 Jack Hood GM4COX, who has been a leading light of the West of Scotland Amateur Radio Society since its inception in 1970, talked about “SOTA & 13cm Escapades”. 

Following the successful launch in the summer of 2017 of the introduction of 13cm SOTA to the Scottish amateur fraternity by Andy MM0FMF of LRS & Jack, he described developments over the last 2 years.

Jack Hood GM4COX & Andy Sinclair MM0FMF.

Jack and Andy were awarded the Jack Wylie Trophy for their pioneering activities in 13cm SOTA.

Andy (R) has held the trophy for the last 6 months and now handed it to Jack at this LRS meeting. 

Click for FULL REPORT.




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