1946 Amateur Wireless Transmitting Licences – conditions

This document was provided by Tom Simpson GM3BCD – SK, who was licensed shortly after being demobbed from the Royal Signals at the end of WWII.

General requirements: British Nationality and “two recent references as to character”, City & Guilds Radio Amateurs’ Examiination pass certificate and Post Office 12 wpm Morse Code test pass certificate.  

In an appendix A, not shown here, was a list of qualifications exempting former-military applicants from technical and morse exams, following discussions between the Post Master General and the Radio Society of Great Britain.

Among the operating conditions required were:

– The use of “spark” sending apparatus is specifically forbidden. 

– Where crystal control is not used, a frequency meter with an accuracy of “not less than +/- 0.1%  must be used.

– No sending period shall exceed 10 consecutive minutes.

– A log book “of approved type (not loose-leaf)” shall be kept, and every entry initialled by the operator.

– Gramophone records may be played but only one, of duration no longer than 10 minutes, in any given day.

– Advertising, broadcast or social / political content is “expressly prohibited”.

– The aerial height shall not exceed 50ft agl if situated within half a mile of the boundary of an aerodrome.   

– No direct connexion shall be made between the electricity supply mains and the aerial. 




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