The last net of 2020 on 30th December was controlled by Colin GM4HWO, with Peter GM4DTH, Alan GM3PSP, Pete GM4BYF, Mike GM8KCS, Briain GM8PKL, Brian GM4DIJ & Norrie GM1CNH.
Colin had called in after GB2RS on Sunday while Mobile on his way to Inverness. Peter had compact flash cards to improve his audio recording from 64MB to 128GB. He had just bought a new camera body to work with his existing lenses. Alan reported on new website items – link to the National Valve Museum provided by Pete and new list of items for sale from Norrie. Both Alan and Pete had observed the helicopter rescue of a woman walker who had broken her ankle on Caerketton Hill in the Pentlands the previous day. Pete continued to test and sell valves from GM3HOQ-SK and GM3VLB-SK with some amazing prices paid – including £93 for a 6C6. He noted recent EME contacts on 23cm by Tom GM8MJV of Pathhead, but not audible to him. Mike had been on 160m including a QSO with N. London. More work was needed on his antenna. Norrie had worked some SOTAs north of Stirling on 2m and 4m and was now using DX-Keeper logging software (free). Briain whose house has a very steep driveway and steps was currently trapped by all the snow and ice and he was plagued by noisy kids on sledges on the road outside! He had just painted the rotator for his new 2m antenna. Brian had been active in the Xmas Cumulatives on 2m and 4m. Activity had been very low but he had worked GM8KCS and GM1CNH. The net ended with participants raising their glasses to each other and wishing them all a Happy New Year.