In prep:
The GM3HAM/P contest group of the Lothians Radio Society were again at our favourite location at IO74wv in the hills near Gatehouse of Fleet in Galloway.
Photos tnx Colin GM4HWO & Peter GM4DTH. Tnx to Pete GM4BYF and Mike GM4IGS for data input.
Summary of claimed scores in Restricted Section:
6m: 72 QSOs, 96772 pts, best Dx: 5B4AAB KM64eu Paphos 3573km
4m: 25 QSOs, 10199 pts, best Dx: EC7AKV IM77aj Seville 1951km
2m: 129 QSOs, 36035 pts, best Dx: GU0UVH IN89vr Alderney 590km
70cm: 41 QSOs, 13017 pts, best Dx: F6KRK JN18as nr Paris, 802km
RESULTS: in the Restricted Section, Overall Winner and recipient of the Martlesham Trophy was Windmill CG in JO01, up from third place in 2019, with 3059 normalised points. Runner up again was Lothians RS in IO74 with 2944 normalised points, again earning the Cockenzie Quaich as Leading GM Entry. In third place was Goole R&ES in IO93 with 2366 normalised points, moving up from 9th in 2019. Winner on 50MHz.
This shot gives an indication of the Wx, described by Colin as “mixed”. Hope they had wellies!
But nay coos in the field!
Some of the group had dinner and lemonade at the Masonic Arms in Gatehouse on the Friday evening.
6m & 4m station: Brian GM4DIJ (rear) & Andy MM0FMF on 6m on Saturday.
Also ops: Mike GM4IGS & Danny GM6CMQ.
6m: 72 QSOs, 96772 pts, best Dx: 5B4AAB KM64eu 3573km. 48 sporadic-E QSOs. Poor UK activity.
Activity down: 2019: 70 QSOs; 2018: 95 QSOs.
4m: 25 QSOs, 10199 pts, best Dx EC7AKV IM77aj 1951km. Only 2 sporadic-E QSOs. Very poor UK activity.
Activity well-down: 2019: 91 QSOs; 2018: 105 QSOs.
Stations: IC-7300 (6m-100W; 4m-50W). No headphones used, just an external speaker.
Ants 6-ele Eagle yagis. (Missed DIJ’s big yagis due to transport limitations).
“Steep learning curve for ops on IC-7300 for first time”.
Slight hic-up with the logging laptop first thing on Sunday – would not switch on until it had warmed up!
2m station: Norrie GM1CNH & Peter GM4DTH. Also ops: Colin GM4HWO; Danny GM6CMQ (Sat. eve)
129 QSOs, 36035 pts, best Dx GU0UVH IN89vr 590km Alderney (worked by Danny on Sat. eve).
Peter: “Average, not exciting. Much lower activity than the past: 2019: 204; 2018: 245.
Quite a number of stations contacted said they were unable unable to go /P”.
2m station: Elecraft K3 + Kuhne TR144-Pro 100W linear amp. Ant: M2 18-ele yagi.
“Little 2m station”
2m QSO map -tnx GM4DTH. (Best Dx GU0UVH, Alderney – wkd by Danny GM6CMQ).
70cm station: Pete GM4BYF & Brian GM8BJF.
Claimed: 41 QSOs, Points 13017, Best Dx F6KRK @ 802km nr Paris, 7 DXCCs, 16 WWLs, 14 UK WWLs.
Station: IC-9700 + 100W amp to M2 38-element yagi at 30ft.
70cm QSO map – tnx GM4BYF. Best Dx F6KRK nr Paris. ^
Generator (in case you hadn’t guessed).
Another shot of the stations.
GM4HWO cook tent. Is that really a microwave oven?!
Saturday pancake evening: Colin made crepes – James Martin recipe with French apricot conserve with a “wee bit” of rum followed by Caribbean coffees all round.
Colin GM4HWO: deep thought.
Brian GM8BJF: time to relax. (See also report on 2m contest in May)!