4 Aug 2021 – LRS Viral Net 70

LRS Viral Net 70 was held on Wed 4th Aug with: Colin GM4HWO (controller). Briain GM8PKL, Michael MM0MSU, Alan GM3PSP, John GM8OTI, Peter GM4DTH, Mike MM0MMN,  Brian GM4DIJ, Brian GM8BJF with apols from Pete GM4BYF.

Colin was looking forward to the BBQ next week and would contact a number of guests. Briain had enjoyed a visit from Peter. He was expecting new neighbours soon. He had moved his radials. He might get to the BBQ. Michael in Niddrie was unfortunately unreadable at PSP and some others but heard by HWO. Alan had put up on the website items about the D/F Hunt, BBQ and postponement of GMRT to 2022, the latter due to ongoing major roof work at the MoC. John had operated 13cm from Bengray (click for map) in Galloway (just north of Gatehouse of Fleet) in mid-July. Peter had enjoyed his beers on Briain’s deck. He suggested Michael’s signal problem might be due to his antenna. Mike called in to say hello from Glendevon. (His QRZ.com entry has some interesting photos). Brian DIJ had spent some weeks in Galloway and had entered 2m, 70cm and 3cm contests. He took part in the D/F Hunt but unfortunately did not find the Fox! He would be at the BBQ. Brian BJF was not audible at PSP this week but said he would be at the BBQ. E&OE. Audio tnx Peter:



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