Jack & Anne on a SOTA summit.
Anne Hood GM4UXX of Carluke, Lanarkshire became a Silent Key on 1st June 2024 after a long illness. She was a former Head Teacher and the XYL of Jack Hood GM4COX, a prominent member of the West of Scotland Amateur Radio Society. Along with Jack she was active in SOTA – Summits On The Air – meeting a number of LRS members, and had been an RSGB GB2RS Newsreader for many years. The LRS has sent a Sympathy card to Jack.
Jack writes:
“Although not a member of WoSARS, Anne was involved in many aspects of the Club and Amateur Radio in general. Indeed, she did her stint as Secretary of the Mid-Lanark Amateur Radio Club where she was tutored in the City & Guilds RAE (Radio Amateur Exam) obtaining her GM6 call in the early eighties, and not to be outdone by my GM4 (Class A Callsign), passing her 12WPM Morse test (for her own Class A), with a little help from Bob GM3ZDH – one of the Board of Trade Morse Examiner at the time – hi!”
See also WoSARS website: WoSARS – Glasgow – The West of Scotland Amateur Radio Society — WELCOME