LRS Programme 2014-15







10 September 2014

Presidential   Address: “Computers are now  everywhere in Amateur Radio”

Andy Sinclair   MM0FMF

24 September 2014

SOE   Radio Operations in WWII

Bob   McFarlane

15th October 2014

 Surplus   Equipment Sale

Alan Masson   GM3PSP

Sat 18 October 2014

JOTA   – Jamboree on the Air

GB0BSS   at Bonaly Scout Camp

John Cooke   GM8OTI

Sun 19 October 2014

Galashiels   Radio & Computer Rally

 Andy   Sinclair MM0FMF

29 October 2014


“Using   Single-Board Computers for Amateur Radio”

Bernie McIntosh   GM4WZG 

1 November 2014

GMRT – Scottish   Microwave Round Table at Museum of Communication,   Burntisland

John Cooke   GM8OTI (LRS)

12 November 2014

The   Post Office Tower

–   the first 20 years 

Mike Burgess   MM0MLB 

26 November 2014

Dipoles   to Hexbeams, in African locations.

Nick Henwood   G3RWF 

10 December 2014

Christmas   Curry – Himalaya Tandoori Restaurant

Colin Wright   GM4HWO

21 January 2015

Video   Evening at ECVS

Peter Dick   GM4DTH

28    January 2015

Maritime   Mobile Adventures

Geoff Crowley   MM5AHO 

11 February 2015

Using a Vertical   Dipole Array

on   a Scottish beach

Malcolm   Hamilton GM3TAL 

25 February 2015

The   Cloud

Andy Sinclair   MM0FMF 

11 March 2015

Antenna   Modelling

Brian Howie   GM4DIJ 

25 March 2015 

The   Network Analyzer 

Brian Flynn   GM8BJF 

8 April 2015

Surplus   Equipment Sale


Alan Masson   GM3PSP

12 April 2015

Norbreck (Blackpool) Rally

Brian Flynn   GM8BJF

22 April 2015

DXpeditions   to Tonga & Micronesia

Chris Tran   GM3WOJ

2-3 May 2015

Microwave   Trophy Contest 

GM3HAM/P,   Gatehouse of Fleet

Brian Flynn   GM8BJF

3 May 2015

Scottish   Highland Gathering Rally (Aviemore)

Roy   Kavanagh GM4VKI

13 May   2015

Film   Soundtrack Technologies

Alan Masson   GM3PSP

27May 2015

DF   Hunt

Peter Dick   GM4DTH

7 June 2015

CS   Mini Ham Radio Convention


Livingston &   District


10 June 2015

LRS   AGM 2015

Alan Masson   GM3PSP

24 June 2015

LRS   Summer Barbecue 2015

Pete Bates   GM4BYF

3-5 July 2015


GM3HAM/P,   Gatehouse of Fleet

GM3HAM   Committee 

8 July 2015

Summer   Pub Night 1 at

“Wee   Bennets’ Bar”

Alan Masson   GM3PSP

22 July 2015

Summer   Pub Night 2 at

“Wee   Bennet’s Bar”

Alan Masson   GM3PSP

12   August 2015

Summer Pub Night 3 at

“Wee Bennet’s Bar”

Alan   Masson GM3PSP

21 August 2015

LRS Table at   Cockenzie Mini-Rally

Colin Wright GM4HWO

26 August 2015

Summer Pub Night   4 at

“Wee   Bennet’s Bar”

Alan Masson   GM3PSP

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