President Mel Evans GM6JAG
Hon. Sec / Treas H.J.L. (Jack) Smith GM1CQC
Committee: Ken Dons GM0AXY
Robin Thomson GM4YPL
R. Philips
Tom Main GM4DCL
Hon Auditor George P. Millar, GM3UM
LRA Newsletter Editor Mel Evans GM6JAG
RSGB Region 13 Rep Drew Givens GM3YOR
RSGB Lothians Area Rep Jack McVicar GM8GEC
MEMBERSHIP: Annual Subscription: raised to Senior: £3.00; Junior: £1.50
MEETINGS: Held at 7:30 pm at the Royal Ettrick Hotel.
June 10th 1987 (9) Annual General Meeting
24 July – 2 August 1986: Special Event Station GB8CG at Meadowbank for the 1986 Commonwealth Games, jointly with the Mid-Lanark ARS GB4CGW at StrathclydeCountryPark, Motherwell. (Colin Wright GM4HWO and Mel Evans GM6JAG). (Copies of certificate held).