1987-88 Summary


President                               Peter Bates GM4BYH

Hon. Sec / Treas                    Peter Dick GM4DTH

Committee:                           Colin Wright GM4HWO

                                           Tom Main GM4DCL

                                           Mr. H.J.L. Smith GM1CQC

                                           Brian Howie GM4DIJ

                                           Robin Thomson GM4YPL

Hon Auditor                          George P. Millar, GM3UM

LRA Newsletter Editor            Mel Evans GM6JAG

RSGB Region 13 Rep             Drew Givens GM3YOR

RSGB Lothians Area Rep        Jack McVicar GM8GEC     

MEMBERSHIP:  Annual Subscription: Senior: £3.00; Junior: £1.50

MEETINGS:  Held at 7:30 pm at the Harwell House Hotel.

Proposed meetings (tbc):

Sep 9 1987    President’s Address, by Peter Bates GM4BYH

Sep 23 1987 Receiver Evening & practical demonstrations.

Oct 16 1987  History of Communication, by H. (Stan) Matthews,

of the Museum of Communication..

Oct 28 1987  Malt Whisky, by P. Dryburgh

Nov 11 1987 (34) Super Junk Sale

Nov 25 1987 Propagation, with an HF Bias, by Tom Main GM4DCL

Dec 9  1987   Black Box Night, by Jack McVicar GM8GEC

Jan 13 1988  (10) Call my Bluff    

Jan 27 1988  (10) Visit to Radio Forth

Feb 10 1988  (12) Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Medicine, by John Ridgeway

Feb 24 1988  (14) Six Metres, by Brian Flynn GM8BJF & Brian Howie GM4DIJ

Mar 9 1988    (21) Junk Sale

Mar 23 1988  (15) Amateur Radio Is Fun, Isn’t It, by Graham Knight GM8FFX

Apr 13 1988  (12) Packet Radio, by Pack-Age D.F. Gorrill GM4UJZ

 & GM4JJT (R. Waterhouse?)

Apr 27 1988 (7) Construction Competition / D.F. Tune-Up

May 11 1988

May 25 1988 D.F. Hunt

Jun 8 1988   

Jun 22 1988  (10) Annual General Meeting


Lothians Radio Amateur – proposed issue for start of session


May 25 1988 D.F. Hunt


Honorary Life Membership awarded to Mr. C.H.C. “Stan” Matthews at the AGM on 22 June 1988 for his work on the preservation of Radio History and service to the Society.



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