5-7 July 2019 – RSGB VHF NFD at Gatehouse of Fleet


L-R: Brian GM4DIJ, Brian GM8BJF, Pete GM4BYF, Kay GM6KAY, Terry GM3WUX, Mike GM4IGS, Andy MM0FMF, Danny GM6CMQ, Alan GM3PSP. (Taken at end of event).  Photos by GM3PSP, GM4BYF & GM4DIJ.

This was an excellent event, organized by Peter GM4BYF – the wx was great most of the time, everything worked, and we achieved good scores on 6m, 4m, 2m & 23cm, although a little down on last year. The first use of a block and tackle greatly simplified the erection of the large beams for 6m (Saturday) and 4m (Sunday) as well as 2m.

Provisional scores: 

6m:     70 QSOs, 26,131 pts, best Dx IW5EIJ in JN52ps at 1751km.  (2018: 95 QSOs).

            Station:  Yaesu FT847 100W to 9 element H/B yagi at 10m agl.

            Ops: Terry GM3WUX, Brian GM4DIJ, Mike GM4IGS.


4m:     91 QSOs, 29,734 pts, best Dx GU6EFB in IN89rk at 617km.  (2018: 105 QSOs).

            Station: Yaesu FT847 + S/S amplifier w/pre-amp – 40W to 11 ele H/B yagi at 10m agl.

            Ops: Terry GM3WUX, Brian GM4DIJ, Mike GM4IGS.


2m:     204 QSOs, 63,107 pts, best Dx F4VQX in IN87lx at 773km.    (2018: 245 QSOs)

            Station: Icom IC-9700 100W to Andy’s new LDF450 and Mike’s M2 5WL at 10m agl.

            Ops: Danny GM6CMQ, Andy MM0FMF.


23cm: 25 QSOs, 7756 pts, best Dx G5LK/P in JO01qd at 556km.  (2018: 30 QSOs).

           Station: Yaesu FT736R + S/S linear amp (80W) to 67-ele yagi at 10m agl / 195m asl

            Ops: Brian GM8BJF, Pete GM4BYF.


6m stations worked (Saturday). Best DX – Italy. (Map tnx GM4DIJ)


 4m stations worked (Sunday). Best DX – Guernsey. (Map tnx GM4DIJ).


2m stations worked. Best Dx – F4VQX in IN81lx. (Map tnx GM4BYF).


23cm stations worked. Best Dx – G5LK/P in JO01qd. (Map tnx GM4BYF).


The 6m station on the sunny Saturday afternoon.


The 23cm (L) and 2m (R) stations.


The generator gave no problems at all.


L-R: Alan GM3PSP, Kay GM6KAY, Terry GM3WUX Brian GM8BJF, Danny GM6CMQ, Mike GM4IGS, Brian GM4DIJ,  Pete GM4BYF. (Photo kindly taken by another diner).

We enjoyed our usual merry dinner with the odd beer in the Masonic Arms in Gatehouse on the Friday evening. 


Brian GM8BJF, Danny GM6CMQ, Mike GM4IGS.


 Kay GM6KAY with Terry GM3WUX, our regular 6m / 4m guest from Glasgow.


 Then back to the event tent for some patriotic night-cap(s): Terry GM3WUX, Alan GM3PSP, Brian GM4DIJ.


 Mike GM4IGS, Brian GM8BJF.


 Pete GM4BYF  and XYL Kay GM6KAY.


 Danny GM6CMQ (from Dunfermline), Terry GM3WUX, Alan GM3PSP.


Mike GM4IGS, our regular guest from Troon.


 Having pitched the tents on the Friday evening, erection of the masts was the priority on the Saturday morning. 

This was the trial run for the smallest and easiest mast, for the 23cm beam, raised by hand.



 GM8BJF’s 23cm yagi ready for erection.


The 23cm beam ready for use.


The erection of the 2m, 4m and 6m beams was simplified this year by using a block and tackle with the gin-pole.


 First the 2m beam went up very smoothly with the new system.


 2m beam ready to go.


 Preparing the 6m beam, designed and built by Brian GM4DIJ. 

On the Sunday morning it was lowered, converted to 4m and re-erected.


Almost ready to start raising the 6m beam.


Up she goes – carefully!

However, there was a “hitch” when, almost vertical, the gin-pole sections came apart but the guys held the mast.


 6m beam ready to go.


Brian GM8BJF operating his equipment on 23cm.


Pete GM4BYF operating 23cm.


 Danny GM6CMQ operating his equipment on 2m


 Andy MM0FMF (“Mr SOTA”) arrived on Saturday and helped with the 2m operating.


 Terry GM3WUX operating 6m with Mike GM4IGS.


 Brian GM4DIJ operating CW on 6m.



 Terry GM3WUX, Andy MM0FMF, Brian GM4DIJ.


Mike GM4IGS, Brian GM8BJF (s), Brian GM4DIJ.  


 Andy MM0FMF also used the occasion to build and test an 80m doublet on a fibreglass pole for SOTA use.


 Sunset on the Saturday evening looking out onto the Irish Sea towards the Isle of Man.


Nice crescent moon behind the 6m beam.


Many thanks to Pete GM4BYF for organizing this very successful event, and to all the participants.


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