July-August 2019 – Pub Nights at “Wee Bennetts” Bar

Nice mirror in Wee Bennet’s Bar. 

The distinguished pair who made it to Wee Bennet’s for Pub Night 4 on Aug 28th: Colin GM4EAU & Alan GM3PSP. Between them they managed to solve most of the world’s problems, apart from Brexit. The yellow folder contains some very interesting material from André GM3VLB-SK about his several QSOs with King Hussein of Jordan JY1. This was later put up on the website in the Silent Keys section. (Click).


Pub Night 3 on Aug 14: Alan GM3PSP, Pete GM4BYF, Colin GM4EAU, Peter GM4DTH. Also present: Vic GM3OWU.


Vic GM3OWU, Colin GM4EAU, Brian GM8BJF, Bri GM8PKL, Pete GM4BYF, Peter GM4DTH, Mike GM8KCS.           Photo by Alan GM3PSP.

There was a good turnout of 8 for LRS Pub Night 2 of the 2019 summer on July 24th at “Wee Bennets” Bar at Morningside Station. Lots of radio topics were discussed and Brexit was hardly mentioned!


Pub Night 1 on 10th July: Peter GM4DTH, Pete GM4BYF, Colin GM4EAU, Alan GM3PSP.

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