There were 9 participants in the 25th LRS Viral Net on 23rd September: Controller Colin GM4HWO, Briain GM8PKL, Mike GM8KCS, Pete GM4BYF, Alan GM3PSP, Peter GM4DTH, Brian GM4DIJ, Norrie GM1CNH, and Melvyn GM4HYR who squeaked in at the end for a quick hello! Colin reported that he and Pete were still working on the disposal of Andre GM3VLB’s gear, nearly finished now. Briain had just bought a “clampometer” (or current clamp meter) and had completed his new antenna base. Mike had been busy revamping his antenna feeders which were showing significant losses, but he had worked an EI and a GM in Kintyre on 2m at the weekend. He mentioned a possible portable site near Innerwick and Colin also mentioned one at a redundant mast at Coldingham. Pete had worked several PA0s and a DL on 2m the previous evening plus another PA on 23cm CW. Alan mentioned new items on the website: the Seawater Antenna and the likely re-opening of the Barnton Quarry Nuclear Bunker soon. There was agreement that this would make an interesting visit. Colin has a contact there. Alan would also put up information about the RSGB Convention which will be free and 100% virtual this year with a very interesting program of lectures. Peter mentioned a software bug in the recording software which is now fixed. Brian was just back from 4 weeks in Galloway. Norrie had been at home, painting, even a few days at work.