Viral Net 30 on 28th October was controlled by Peter GM4DTH and had 7 participants: John GM8OTI, Briain GM8PKL, Pete GM4BYF, Mike GM8KCS, Melvyn GM4HYR and Alan GM3PSP (late!). Apologies from Colin GM4HWO and Brian GM4DIJ. Peter had had a QSO with Toby MM0TSS visiting Edinburgh. He has a D/F sense antenna which removes the 180 degree ambiguity of a frame or ferrite rod antenna. John was glad to be back on the net after 6 weeks away. Briain has a loop / net antenna 6 feet long. He toasted the group this week with Cointreaux! Pete is working with Raspberry-Pi boards and is looking for a USB keyboard (& John offered him one!). He is working with his church choir for a Christmas concert on Zoom. Mike was listening with a home-brew receiver. Melvyn had been busy building a home office. Alan mentioned correspondence with the Davidson family following Colin GM3LAV’s Silent Key. Currently he was working on a large number of archival LRS photos from around 2010 which will go up on the website and will be advertised. Details have been received of a book about the restoration of the Union Chain Bridge at Berwick, the subject of a talk at the MoC last Sept 25th (see this page). Audio tnx Peter: