6 July 2022 – LRS Viral Net 98

LRS Viral Net #98 – Wed 6th July

Colin GM4HWO (c), Brian GM8BJF, Alan GM3PSP, George GM4COK/DU1, Peter GM4DTH, Norrie GM1CNH, Nathan MM3MDH (Dalgety Bay).

Brian (Peebles) had not been at VHF-NFD due to a family visit. He was now working on a remote unit for the power on/off switch for the Edinburgh rig to save power! Colin had missed VHF-NFD due to Covid. He had cleaned his relays. He would miss the September net while on holiday in Tenerife with his son. Alan was looking for VHF-NFD reports. He was looking forward to his daughter Sheila’s wedding next week to her American high-school sweetheart. George had been on 6m listening for DX. He was also listening on the aero band and local 2m with a 2m/70cm collinear on the roof. A lot of lightning could be heard on 6m, very bright flashes about 25km away, with thunder rumbling about 80s later. Peter was working on the 2m entry for VHF-NFD (119 QSOs). The event had been undermanned and tough going with poor Wx on the Saturday but better on the Sunday. Pete’s 70cm station had suffered from water in the coax feeder. Colin’s usual breakfast bacon rolls were missed! They had enjoyed unusually large portions for dinner at the Masonic Arms! Norrie had camped at VHF-NFD with his son Andrew. Photos were being sent to Alan for the website report. Nathan called in from Dalgety Bay to say hello. Recording tnx Peter GM4DTH:


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