The LRS 2024 Xmas Curry was held as usual at the Gurkha Restaurant in Cockburn Street with a great turnout of 17.
Photos – tnx Colin GM4HWO & John GM8OTI:
Mike GM8KCS, David GM3YMX, John GM4JRT, Alan GM3PSP, Malcolm GM3TAL
Mike GM8KCS, David GM3YMX, Colin GM4HWO, Peter GM4DTH.
Andy MM0FMF, Peter GM4DTH, Ian GM8LYQ, Colin GM4EAU.
James GM4WZP, John GM8OTI, Grahame GM4UPB, Kay GM6KAY, Pete GM4BYF, Brian GM4DIJ.
Colin GM4GWO quite enjoyed his naans, even if they weren’t the record size that he used to get at the Himalaya restaurant!