In this section are listed the Silent Key (Obituary) notices for members and former members of the Lothians Radio Society and other local Radio Amateurs.


Vic Imamura JA5VQ / MM0JVQ died on 8th January 2017 in Japan at the age of 74. Vic was a member of the LRS and made annual visits to Edinburgh for a number of years, staying in a flat at Morningside and attending LRS meetings and the annual barbecue along with his XYL Keiko JG5JUS. (Photo c/o

Charlie Linskaill GM4TNV, a local amateur in Edinburgh, died on 16th December 2016.

Click for Scotsman / Evening News Obituary.

Former LRS member Bob Rutherford GM0FAL died on 22nd October 2016 in Edinburgh Royal Infirmary following a series of strokes. His funeral was held at Warriston Crematorium on Thursday 3rd November 2016. Obituary.

Bob Rutherford GM0FAL, a former member of the LRS, died peacefully in his sleep on 22nd October 2016 aged 72 at Edinburgh Royal Infirmary after a series of strokes. His funeral was  held on Thursday 3rd November at Warriston Crematorium.  Obituary.